It only happens every so often, but one of the big joys of my life is successfully calling attention to the work of Todd Greene. I’ll quickly add that he can hardly be found on the Internet at all unless you Google “J. Todd Greene” and start poking around carefully. This made it all the more delightful to me to find that a new remote friend named Micah Carver had done the rare thing of listening to, being amazed by, and actually talking about the how and why of his love for one of Todd’s songs called “Simple.” It’s on Bulb’s thirty-third album Magical Thinking, and it is, like all Bulb albums and all Bulb songs and all Todd Greene’s offerings, a gift of spirit and insight. I think everybody talking about what they love and why at length and publicly could turn things around here, there, and everywhere most pleasantly.
If you’ve heard me refer to the man who body-slammed Vince McMahon on camera and then hosted a reality show and then commandeered the birther movement and then took over the Republican party and then commanded the United States Military for four years as “the Accidental Exorcist,” that’s Todd’s influence. He turned that way of conceptualizing famously abusive people into a physical artifact called The Accidental Exorcist (see above image). I know a lot of art has and will try to give to the airy nothing of the last five years a local habitation and a name and I’m glad of it. But if I had the resources to give a cash reward to one single piece that really gets at it hard, I vote for The Accidental Exorcist.
Todd is available for conversation. I text him every two or three days, and I don’t think he’s ever said No to fellowshipping over food and/or beverage. But he’s specifically available for conversation this weekend with anyone who want to mosey over to Modfellows which is one of the most enjoyable and inspiring spaces in Nashville. Come on out and talk and reflect and see what’s happening.
I think about Todd in the same way that I imagine Howard Finster, except I’m able to open my Instagram app and say hello to Todd. He’s a gift.