I was there and several of my buds. All older than you, David, and of the female persuasion. We all said the meeting was empowering and intimate and we need to meet again. Today while we were watching Rev. Lawson's funeral in LA online, there were apparently some white supremacists in Nashville, mostly ignored as we listened to friends and family of Rev. Lawson tell about his life-long work for all of us humans. We can learn about nonviolent action and treat ourselves kindly.

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I’m just now seeing this and I’m sorry I missed the meeting! I just moved to Green Hills and that library has been a safe space for me the past few months. I would have loved to hear from you and others there. I’ll try and stay tuned for the future.

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Jul 6Liked by David Dark

Thank you. These are great suggestions for the restorative community circle I do weekly with men in my county’s detention center.

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We are responsible for our words and our silence.

Both speak volumes.

I am still haunted by my silence at the home of acquaintances. Their son, my friend, was on trial for manslaughter and I let a racist comment slide.

They didn't need anything else to deal with, but...... haunted by my silence.

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