“There’s a prolonged mental rutting concerning other people’s wrongdoing that’s a welcome distraction from trying to envision—an act upon—the next right thing in my own life. The next brave move. If you’re like me, projection is sometimes a thing.”

This. Much love to you David. You do not know how appropriate this is to me on this sultry June day. ✌️

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The words come self-administered, my brother. Thank you for letting me know they landed. Color me encouraged.

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"Perhaps we’re all born into particular infrastructures of bad ideas and…art is how we start working our way out of them and into better ones."

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“…a sort of homecoming…”✌️

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Jun 19Liked by David Dark

This was a brilliant little piece. Thank you! I will carry emotional refuge among other phrases and ideas with me.

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Thank you! You've got me feeling encouraged this morning.

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Jun 19Liked by David Dark

Also feeling righteously poked. The word “solution” reminded me of how yesterday someone on the bus handed me a graphic memoir titled “Solutions and Other Problems” by Allie Brosh and so far it’s amazing and so far seems to relate to what you said about art (& pop culture), how it all helps us to climb out of bad infrastructure, or at least recognize & talk about the infrastructure. I think you’d like it!!

This could be the mother of all tangents but..relating to Gabriel..you mentioned a line from a movie awhile back “it’s the principle of the thing” and it always stuck in my brain because it did sound very Coen bros but couldn’t sort out where it was from. I just inadvertently watched the movie where it lives and it now makes me think of this thing about not being alone in one’s weirdness, or the desire for everyone to feel vindicated in their weirdness. Thanks for sharing so much cool.

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Thanks for reading and responding!

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