Jun 17, 2022Liked by David Dark

What you’ve written here is gonna help me step on the stage and do my job tonight, David. You showing up so faithfully and with so much heart, helps me, and so many others, show up too.

With much gratitude and love,


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Thanks for this David! It definitely hits me in the gut what we’re going through right now and how confused and uncertain the world seems because of liars, grifters, authoritarians and seditionists. The Faith in conspiracies and Freedom from knowing the truth Conference is an affront to my spirit. It’s surreal that after everything that has been presented by the committee, this law-breaking man would be the keynote speaker and continue to spread his cancer. Also that people believe him.

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Jul 5, 2022Liked by David Dark

"Public Servant 45"

Um...what? Sorry, but it's more like "Public *Self*-servant 45"; given that his ONLY constituency has ever been his own petty, greedy, rent-seeking (in BOTH senses of the term), grifting/scamming, self-obsessed, revenge-driven, power-grabbing, seditious, riot-inciting...well, self.

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David does it once again. Not on a high horse but using his own white knuckling experiences, he takes us down into the depths of our recent political hot mess, twists and tangles us up inside this murky, black hole, calls us out, and gives us hope - all, in one piece of writing. It would be hilarious if it weren't so very serious and tragic. Thank you, David. We love you.

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Thanks David.

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