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I’ve deleted my Twitter account in the interest of the Christian school where I work - and in the interest of my continuing to work there another year. I’m not really inclined toward social media, but I started on Twitter a couple years ago to follow Vote the Common Good. What I found, though, were some voices that really encouraged my struggling faith. Yours is one of those.

I don’t mean to say I struggle with faith in Jesus, but with what to make of the Church in the US. I’m absolutely exhausted and out of patience with the apologetics, worldview, and general attitude of gatekeeping. People disposed to those areas of anti-inquiry are quick to appropriate Jude’s language of “contend for the faith,” but I often wonder whether the author of that epistle would even recognize the faith now being “defended.”

Anyway, thank you for interacting with us on Twitter and for the work you do in so many different areas. Some of us feel the burden of living humanly in ways that make prudence difficult to discern, but we’re happy to know we’re not alone. I haven’t gotten to read any of your books yet, but I have them on my list. Meanwhile, I hope you’ll keep putting some thoughts on Substack.

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