"To have a careful process does not mean that an institution is careful with people. It just means that they don't want to be sued." Thanks for sharing this, Dr. Dark. As a former (recovering?) Human Resources Professional, I have participated in "careful processes" that were focused on legal outcomes. I'm grateful for the times I could influence processes to also show care for people. I repent of the times that I failed to do so.

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The introduction alone to his Acts Commentary is worth every penny and more. I am so grateful for his voice.

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Just. Saw this! Have not read the entire post or been able to see any of the conversation but wanted to stop and say "Thank You". Willie James is "the absolute best". . . . Thank you for sending a beam of hope/joy into my life this day. Much needed and appreciated. Grateful.

"the darkness is where you learn to see" ;-)

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He is the absolute best.

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“…yielding to the spirit of ownership” will stick with me, that was an incredible lecture! And the talk of possession reminded me of a recent-ish conversation on twitter relating the term to Jung, shared by Jazz Robertson, I believe (tho can’t remember the ins n outs unfortunately).

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David, thanks for letting us know about this event! Watched it yesterday from the UK. Particularly appreciated Jennings' response to the second question, where he talked about asking whether we know what story we are living in, and the role of people of faith as storytellers who illuminate that for others. Definitely something to ponder!

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